Quick web app builder
Quick web app builder

quick web app builder quick web app builder

App icon: Like any other native app, you can get an icon from a PWA on your device, which gives you easy access to your application in 1 click.No need to install and you can access or share them via a link. Linkable: PWAs works like any other web applications and can be interlinked, or linked to other web pages.Installable: You can have a home screen icon without installing it from an app distribution platform.Discoverable: Your progressive web apps can be discovered and indexed by any search engine like Google, Bing and Yandex.Safe: PWAs are considered to be safe, as their content is served via HTTPS.All without having to get your application on app stores. App-like: Feels like a native app experience and gives your users app-style interaction, features and navigation.Connectivity independent: It’ll work on a low-quality internet connection, or even offline in some cases.The same content and page elements don’t reload every time you open. Faster: After initial loading, they’ll work faster.This ensures your users get a quality user experience. Responsive: These apps fit on any device screen size – desktop, mobiles and tablets.

quick web app builder

Progressive: PWAs work for every user all they need is a web browser.Here are some reasons why we love them and you should consider building yours with us, today. Developing your progressive web app doesn’t need to be tricky. Seeing the cost involved in native app development, many businesses are heading to PWAs as this single application provides native-app qualities in web applications that are reliable, fast, feature rich and engaging. Millions of people are using the internet mainly on mobile devices, which has created a demand for native apps.

Quick web app builder